In regards to choosing that food and beverage products customers like, there are just three important aspects which lead to attempting products and always buying those brands. flavor color & texture trends are major areas in why customers continue to purchase a brand of choice. So how powerful are these 3 aspects and what are customers searching in 2021
Over the past few decades there's been much attention on healthier choices within the food and drink market, however consumers still prioritize flavor as a key driver to why they choose a product. In 2021, FMCG Gurus demonstrates that consumers will be looking for new and exotic flavors from manufacturers within numerous categories. This is emphasized as 74 percent of global consumers state they like food and beverage products with new and unusual flavors. Especially in the case for chocolate as 77 percent of customers would love to see new unconventional flavors in this marketplace.
Due to the current international situations with many consumers stuck in the home, they are searching for new approaches to escape their truth through food and beverage. This is highlighted as 74% of consumers stated they enjoy new generally flavors from around the world. Not only are customers seeking new exotic flavors, but also 68% of global consumers would be willing to pay a premium price for these goods. Therefore, there is an opportunity for manufacturers to target these consumers with exotic flavors from around the globe to help since they look to food and drinks for escapism purposes.
Consumers are turning to conventional / nostalgic flavors which reminds them of simpler times. The COVID-19 pandemic has left numerous consumers across the world in a state of worry and anxiousness in the foreseeable future. FMCG Gurus research shows that 68% of global consumers locate homesick and traditional flavors appealing within meals, with over 70 percent suggesting they like these flavors because it provides them comfort.
As customers look to embrace a holistic health approach to life, looking to enhance all aspects of their health such as their diets, they're seeking out healthier and more natural products. Consumers are most likely to search for natural flavors in the following markets: Coffee (82 percent ), Yoghurt (82%), and Fruit Drinks (83%). These are tremendously critical as 64 percent of global consumers would concur that they would pay a premium for these organic flavors, since they're regarded as healthier options.
If it comes to color in beverage and food products it's quite important that brands get this right. FMCG Gurus highlights that 57% of global consumers find color powerful when buying products. New and experimental colors can also be attractive to consumers with 46% of international consumers agreeing with this. This is because of consumers associating these colors with more enjoyable and exciting goods, something that's required in a period of worry. But, experimental colors are also correlated with being not natural which is an integral catalyst to why 30 percent do not find these products appealing. These colors can be associated with being artificial, something in which consumers are actively looking to avoid.
It requires a consumer a matter of moments to choose which product to buy there- fore color is an integral component to beverage and food solutions. Although 49% of customers say they'd pay a premium for products with experimental colors, traditional colors which con- sumers know and trust are a lot more influential when purchasing food and drink products. This highlights again that consumers might not anticipate experimental colors as they can be seen as artificial and not good for their own health. This can be key, in a time where consumers are actively seeking to better their wellbeing to be less vulnerable to catching any disease or disease.
FMCG Gurus research shows that Orange, Red, and Yellow are just three of the most popular colorsin regards to juice beverages. This is sometimes associated they are more natural that looks like the flavors that they like and understand. Therefore, it's important for brands to realize that organic colors associated with healthy flavors like fruits are more attractive to customers in a time of doubt around wellness and health.
Texture is an additional key component to why consumers would decide to go back to certain foods and drinks. That is again highlighted as 59% of global consumers say that the feel of a product is powerful when buying products.
However, texture tastes vary mostly by category. When it comes to the beverage marketplace only 28% of consumers would love to experiment with unusual textures. Among the principal reasons for this can be that consumers already associate a product with a particular texture and do not want their preferred brands to alter this. Thus, when deciding whether to utilize new unusual textures or conventional textures customers are aware of, it is important to know that 88% of global consumers say that conventional textures they understand and trust tend to be more influential, with just 7% preferring new textures.
Flavors, colors, and textures play a key role in why consumers like to select certain products. When addressing flavors, manufacturers and manufacturers can target consumers that are looking for escapism with nostalgic flavors or fresh and exciting flavors that are specific to particular areas in the world. This will be a key trend driving forward in 2021 as COVID-19 still affects consumers daily lives. Colors are also crucial, however because of health kick in 2021 with consumers searching for organic products consumer may seem to avoid artificial and unnatural colors. It is necessary that manufacturers and brands offer exciting new colors that are created from natural ingredients with easier messaging for customers. In the end, it is important to understand that customers do not enjoy change when indulging in their favourite products as they have particular relationships with textures along with the products they enjoy.